♥♥◄ mY friend ampOn n bEzt ForevEr sweety Rose ►♥♥


April 21, 2012

♥ Qoutes ♥
By: cristyne

♥ Love is something you can easily develop in your heart but you may not be able to express it quickly through speech. There's a love that only you can give, a smile that only your lips can show, a twinkle that can only be seen in your eyes, and a life of mine that you alone can complete Anyone can make you SMILE, anyone can make you CRY, But it is the love That can make you smile with tears in your eyes

♥ Love is what makes two people sit in the middle of a bench when there is plenty of room at both ends.

♥ The more and more I spend time with you, the more and more I realize I am doing the one thing I told myself I would never do again and thats Falling in love..

♥ When you have nothing left but love, then for the first time you become aware that love is enough.

♥ Just Because I'm Not Crying
Doesn't Mean I Don't Care, Or That I'm Not Sad
Just Because I Don't Call You Every Night
Doesn't Mean I Don't Want To Talk To You
Just Because I Wish You The Best With The New boy
Doesn't Mean I've Stopped Loving You, Or That I'll Move On Now
Just Because I'm A Good Actor
Doesn't Change The Fact That I'm Dying Inside...

♥  These Lines Are Hard To Understand
But Are So Damn True:
1:- “Once You Lose Someone,
Its Never Exactly The Same Person,
… … Who Comes Back”,
2:- “Success Also Hurts,
When You Don’t Have A Loved One To Wish You”,
3:- “Failure Also Looks Beautiful,
When You Have A Loved One To Support You”.. 

♥ once a guy who recently had a breakoff wid her girlfriend was asked...........
have u left your girlfriend or she left you???
he smiled and answered ..............

♥ The worst feeling in the world is giving all the love you have and knowing it will never be returned

♥ You can’t stop da feelings u have fr someone..You can’t lie to urself…You heart knows da truth all too well..;)

when you give a lot of importance to someone in your life 
you lose your importance in their life :)

♥ The P a i n O f  M i s s i n g S o m e o n e ......I s T u r n T o  P l e a s u r e I f
W e  K n e w T h e y  A r e A l s o M i s s i n g  U s T o o . . .

April 20, 2012

♥♥ Qoutes For the Day ♥♥
By: Cristyne

♥ Don't let loneliness drive you back into the arms of someone you know you don't belong with. 

♥ Letting go doesn't mean u don't care about someone anymore. It's just realizing that the only person u really have control over is urself.

♥ There’s no such thing as ‘risk free.’ Everything you do or don’t do in life has an inherent risk.

♥ All discarded lovers should be given a second chance, but with somebody else

♥ Identify what’s most important to you. Eliminate as much as you possibly can of everything else. No wasted time, no fluff, no regrets.

i can't make you love me, want me, or understand me. all i can do is hope that someday you will..

♥ Don't tell me she is just a "friend" , because don't you remember we started as "friends" too .

♥ I love you, I just wish you would love me back the same way. .

♥ Trust Me Falling In Love Is Easy , Staying in Love Is By Most Difficult & Letting go can be as painful </3

♥ All the beautiful things in life are not seen, nor touched, but are felt in the heart.

♥ Beauty is not that which you were born, but the real beauty of character based on human values.

♥ Actions speak louder than words, so if you wanna win someone over, do it with your actions, not just sweet words.

♥ I'm afraid if someone else catches your attention, you'll ignore me, maybe even worse.... replace me.

♥ Respect the one who can see these 3 things in you : Sorrow behind your smile, Love behind your anger and Reason behind your silence.

♥ People who care, use words to express. People who care the most, use their actions..,.,,

♥ Even if we can't be together in the end, I'm glad that you were a part in my life:')

♥ Believe me when I say.. You're the absolute best part of my day ♥ :)

♥ I wish memories where like text messages. I could delete the ones I hate and save the ones I love.

♥ Letting go means: LETting GOd release ur past, LETting GOd heal ur pain, & LETting GOd lead ur path.

♥ Women always worry about the things that men forget; men always worry about the things women remember ^^

♥ You'll never be ready to face your future if you keep looking to your past.

♥ You'll never be ready to face your future if you keep looking to your past.
Dangling Rainbow Hearts